Friday, September 03, 2010

New Technology Hotels!

Ok, i'm going to get back into chatting about my travels AND all the jokes I do for the group. . .here's from last week!

Did a show last week for a technology group in Vegas. . VERY FUN. These people are the techy people who work in law firms. . .talk about a job that’s 24/7! But they all seemed to have a good sense of humor about their perpetual on-call status. As I said to them –

you’re IT people and you work for Attorney’s? Could you pick 2 more stressful professions. . .what do you do for relaxation? Diffuse bombs! (No, wait, that’s what you do for your JOB!)

They had 160 educational sessions. . .my college (Virginia Tech) didn’t have that many classes!

I’ve actually done a lot of shows for lawyers groups. . .they always talk about their community service. Not sure if it’s court-ordered or not. One group said their big community service project was doing for free wills for low-income people. .. how hard is that? “do you own anything?” “No” “Okay – done!”

I actually like some of the legal terms. . .Paralegals – that’s someone who’s got TWO lawsuits going!

Anyway, many fun jokes even on into the night as I also emceed their awards program. When giving out the award in the vendor category, I noted that the judged determined this award winner was the company who gave out the best candy at their exhibit booth. M&Ms are okay, but if you can pony up with some Reeces Peanut Butter Cups, you could be getting a plaque!

The group was at the Aria hotel. . .Aria is Italian for “$20 hamburger”. . .true – about the hamburgers anyway. The hotel was all techy too. . .you can set your alarm on the TV so the TV turns on, the lights come up and the blinds open to welcome you into the new day. And at night, you can hit one button and the whole room shuts off so you can sleep.

Okay, that’s my report for comedy travels last week. . .on to Atlanta this week!


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